quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Life at the present moment...

Dear people of the world, I've been writing this blog for two years now and what started out as a pastime to end my boredom now consumes more than my life permits me to handle. In order to write really good posts, as I'd like, I would need time to research about each post's subject, and I decided that I am not going to write some crappy thing here just to write something. I write for pleasure, not obligation. And that is why I am writing more rarely, when time and desire let me do so. Time meaning college, work, school projects, personal projects and housekeeping, and desire meaning not wanting to lay down and forget about life when I find some rare spare time to myself.

But today I am showing you a new cover I recently designed for a book called O Alienista by Machado de Assis (translated to The Psychiatrist). The book plot deals with madness and the proposition for this cover was to design something completely conceptual. My design is as follows:

The main idea is unbalance, referring to a mad person as an unballanced person, so the composition was intentionally designed non simetrical and with no equilibrium.
The scribbles mean two things:
1 - the brain cells of a mad person, that are not in their right place;
2 - the mad person excluded from the society, as an alien in its own environment
The title was hand drawn, in the same traces as the scribbles and, the title has no spaces between the article and noun, this all giving a more chaotic and confused feeling to the cover.
The background has a blue-greyish green colour, to give the piece a gaunt-ish feel but allude to the name of the madhouse depicted in the book, which is called "The Green Mansion".

I hope you've enjoyed my new work and that you look forwrd for the next one I show you, even though it might tame a loooong time to publish it here. Now... go enjoy life while I
work a bit more to enjoy mine in the near future! ;)

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