sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Not-So-Complex Posters

Continuing on the movie poster theme I chose some posters that I like that are made up with several elements in its composition. You could call them complex, but that's not how I would categorize them. If you analyze them close, they're not that complex; deep down, they're just made out of several elements but quite easy to "dissect" into different parts. ;)

Continuando no tema poster de filmes, escolhi alguns posters que eu gosto cuja composição é feita por vários elementos. Você poderia falar que são complexos, mas não é assim que eu os classificaria; eles não são tão complexos se você analisar, só são feitos com vários elementos, mas fácil fácil de se dissecar em partes distintas. ;)

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

3 posters in one

I love movie posters that are well designed, and here are 3 (or 9) posters that prove that well thought design does make a difference. Each of them is a single poster that stands alone for itself but combined with other two makes a whole new and more complex poster. Absolutely Brilliant!