quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

Mission: Impossible

Yesterday was a very important day to me. One of the most famous designers in the world, and my personal favourite designer, came to Brazil to give a lecture at my college. I am not going to say his name, do not want people to think I am some sort of ass-kisser or that I like to make advertisements just because he came here. So let's just call him +. So let's begin the story of my day.
Being crazy as I am, I had a mission: to give + a letter I had written especially for him. And in order to do so, I was going to wait for the right moment at end of the lecture when the audience could ask him questions. So I promptly positioned myself in front of the door to the auditorium at 11am, ready to wait 5 hours till the lecture starts. While waiting, I discovered the audience was not supposed to ask questions (but in the end thay did do it) so I started kinda freaking out and replanning the whole thing in my head.

Fase 1:
After guaranteeing that my name was on the list of people that could go into the auditorium, I rushed to the library to write two more copies of the letter. They weren't going to be as carefully made as the first one, but at least I would have two more. And they did come handy later on. After finishing them, I rushed to search for my coordinator, for I had found out that the Graphic Design's course coordinator would meet with +. After looking everywhere I finally found him and explained my desire to give Mr + my letter. I then asked if my coordinator could give him the letter when he met with +. He said he could, but he had no guarantee he would actually be able to meet him, but he would try. So, fase one of my mission was complete.

Fase 2:
I went to the lady who was organising the event that made bringing + to Brazil possible but did not find her. It was only some hours later on, when the lecture was about to start that I finally found her. I explained her my wish for giving him the letter, since I was a huge fan and that it would mean a lot to me. She saw how nervous I was, shaking from head to toe and said she could give the letter to +'s assistant and that I could relax and guaranteed me the letter would get to him. It was a relief, but I wasn't relaxed, not yet. Fase 2 complete!

Fase 3:
Although the organizer of the event guaranteed me the letter would end up in the hands of + I didn't actually see her giving the letter to his assistant. So, I turned the other way round and went downstairs to the exit. And there he was, waiting for his ride to arrive. It was my chance. So I got near him, excused mysef and started to talk to him. It was kinda dreamlike weird but right at the same time. + was very nice and kindly accepted my letter and in the end, he reached out his hand and I shook it. Mission accomplished.

An hour later, I was home. Covered in sweat, tired from all the rush and thrill that day had brought me but with a smile in my face, a smile that seemed unable to be erased. That was the smile of victory. I had met +, I had talked to him and I had a part of my dream made true. So if you ever have a dream, even though it seems the craziest dream and most impossible thing to achieve, pursue it. You will have a lot of hard work (and believe, me, what I told you was not compared to real hard work of others), but in the end if you manage to succeed you will be truly victorious and will feel the luckiest man on earth. Impossible is nothing.


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